Thursday, September 3, 2020

Black Lives Still Matter, Con't

No fatalities reported as a racist old white couple shot multiple times at a man, his son, and a family friend, all Black, for the crime of Being Black And Stopping In Tallahassee With A U-Haul.

Charles McMillon Jr. was dropping off a U-Haul van with his young son and childhood friend Kendrick Clemons when out of nowhere bullets started flying.

They had just parked the van at a U-Haul drop-off at Fountain Plaza on Apalachee Parkway and were sitting in McMillon’s truck getting ready to go. As he typed in the mileage on a phone app, a gunshot rang out.

They looked back and saw an older couple coming toward them, both pointing guns in their direction. The couple yelled “Don’t move!” and other commands to surrender.

But McMillon threw his GMC truck in reverse, drove around the van and sped off in a blind panic. They heard more gunfire as they fled.

They managed to escape Thursday night with their lives — incredibly, a police officer who happened to be in the parking lot intervened after the shooting began. But they’ll never forget their ordeal — the product, they said, of racial profiling by would-be vigilantes.

It turned out the two shooters, Wallace Fountain, 77, and his wife, Beverly Fountain, 72, own the strip mall and were staking it out inside a U-Haul of their own. They said they were having problems with people stealing gas and wanted to scare off any culprits.

But McMillon and Clemons said the Fountains, who are white, never asked why they were there — or even whether they needed any help. They just opened fire.

“They saw three Black people, unarmed, dropping off a U-Haul,” McMillon said. “They got guns, they started shooting. That’s why it’s racially motivated.”

In a brief interview, Beverly Fountain, who retired in 1996 as a longtime secretary for the State Attorney's Office, said the shooting had nothing to do with race. She denied even knowing McMillon or Clemons’ skin color.

“Were they Black?” she asked. “We weren’t going off on that at all. You’ve got vandalism and theft going on at your property. Trying to protect your property — that’s the only issue.”

Just saw three "people".  Just happened to open fire on them for no reason other than the people were there with a van.  That's it.

And the cop actually did the right thing for once.

At least these assholes are bad shots.

Black Lives Still Matter though.

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