Friday, November 13, 2020

Last Call For Trump's Race To The Bottom, Con't

The Trump regime legal circus attempting to overturn and steal the election from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is generally a cavalcade of frivolous lawsuits, legal frippery, and outright fabrication. But the lawsuit in Wisconsin attempting to throw out all the votes in the state's three most Democratic counties, is just pure racism at its worst.

Three voters in northeast Wisconsin have filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to throw out votes in three of the counties that delivered Wisconsin to President-elect Joe Biden: Milwaukee, Dane and Menominee.

The lawsuit filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Green Bay seeks to change the outcome of Wisconsin's election to President Donald Trump's favor by excluding the presidential votes from the counties in the state's final election certification, alleging without evidence that absentee voting is fraught with widespread fraud.

The plaintiffs allege voters in these counties may have bypassed state law requiring voters to provide photo identification by dubbing themselves "indefinitely confined" due to the coronavirus pandemic. The suit also takes issue with clerks' ability to take corrective actions to remedy errors related to witness’s addresses on absentee ballots.

The suit cites allegations from people who are not named but identified by initials.

"Election workers, overwhelmed by the sudden flood of mailed ballots, have less ability to carefully review them to screen out fraudulent ones, creating a substantial risk that fraudulent votes will be counted and vote-dilution disenfranchisement will occur," the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit is one of several being brought on behalf of Trump in an effort to change the outcome of the Nov. 3 presidential election, which resulted in the election of Biden.

A Wisconsin election attorney who has worked for the Democratic Party said the lawsuit was without merit.

"Trump continues to file frivolous lawsuits throughout the country to disenfranchise millions of American citizens," attorney Michael Maistelman said. "Trump's lawsuits are not based upon law, facts or reality, which is why courts throughout the country have summarily and at times angrily dismissed his cases."

Wisconsin's result is one of several states Trump is focused on changing, through this lawsuit and also by a potential recount. Biden won in Wisconsin by a margin of about 20,000 votes.

The suit seeks to exclude all the presidential vote totals from the two most populous and heavily Democratic counties in the state when certifying the state's results. Those two counties delivered 577,408 votes for Biden and 213,133 for Trump, a gap of 364,264 votes, according to unofficial results. Other counties also had high levels of absentee voting but were not targeted in the lawsuit.

"Certifying Presidential Electors without excluding certain counties would violate voters’ fundamental right to vote by vote-dilution disenfranchisement," the suit alleges, citing protections provided by the First and 14th amendments.
There's racism, GOP racism, Trump GOP racism, and then whatever this is. Milwaukee is home to most of the state's Black population, Dane county is home to Madison and the University of Wisconsin, and Menomonee County is small, fewer than 5,000, but also happens to be the residence of the Menominee Indian tribe, and a county that has voted for Democrats since it was created in 1959.
Here's a lawsuit that alleges too many Black people voted by mail.
That's it.  More Wisconsin counties had as high or higher rate of voting-by-mail, but it's only the "certain counties" that are the problem.
The ones with Democrats, particularly Black, college, and Native ones.

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