Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Last Call For Fantasma Santos, Con't

Embattled Republican Rep. George Santos of New York will recuse himself from serving on House committees, he told his GOP colleagues in a closed-door meeting on Tuesday, amid ongoing scrutiny about his background and questions about his future in Congress.

Santos was assigned to the House Small Business Committee and Science, Space and Technology Committee earlier this month by House Republican leaders. In a statement, the New York Republican said "ongoing attention" surrounding investigations into his personal and campaign finances prompted his request to be temporarily recused from the panels.

"This was a decision that I take very seriously. The business of the 118th Congress must continue without media fanfare," Santos said. "It is important that I primarily focus on serving the constituents of New York's Third Congressional District and providing federal level representation without distraction."

Santos told CBS News that he was "confident" he would be cleared in the investigation because he has "nothing to hide."

His decision to forgo his seats on the two panels comes a day after Santos met with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Capitol Hill, during which Santos asked the speaker if he could recuse himself from committees, according to McCarthy.
The second Santos resigns, McCarthy's time left as Speaker gets reduced to ashes. Without Santos, McCarthy won't have the votes to keep his own job, and everyone knows it.
The question is not whether Santos resigning from committees will sate the calls for his ouster. It won't.
The question is how much Kevin McCarthy has left to give in order to save Santos and himself. McCarthy literally cannot afford to lose a single GOP vote in the House for his caucus. He has to gamble it all or lose it all.

We'll see how he tries to worm his way out of this.

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