Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Last Call For Another Hat In The Ring, Con't

Former GOP SC Governor and Trump UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her entry into the 2024 race to the thunderous nothingness of near universal derision and apathy.
Haley has about as much chance of being president as, say, Bobby Jindal. What's Jindal up to these days? Nobody cares.
How do I know Haley is doomed? Sippy Cupp thinks she has a real chance, folks!

In her video announcement on Tuesday Haley boasted of the need for “generational change,” an obvious knock on both Trump and President Biden’s ages — Haley is 51, indeed a generation behind both.

That distinction will likely serve her well in creating contrast with her former boss, now a septuagenarian Florida retiree, who’s often sounded very much like a sitcom character out of the 1950s, bemoaning today’s women for straying from the Donna Reed archetype. His obsession with a woman’s place — in the kitchen, doing the dishes and cooking dinner — is well-documented.

Haley’s broken all of the regressive stereotypes Trump routinely leans on to stoke the grievances of his right-wing base. At 38 she wasn’t in the kitchen but busy becoming the youngest governor in the country, and South Carolina’s first female and minority governor. Her family hails from a country Trump has called “filthy,” and he’s repeatedly used a fake Indian accent to imitate Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and an imaginary Indian call center representative.

Her impressive and inspiring immigrant story flies in the face of Trump’s penchant for casting immigrants as “criminals” and “animals” from “sh*thole countries,” undeserving of basic human dignity.

And Haley was raised in the Sikh faith before converting to Christianity as an adult — Trump has repeatedly insulted the Sikh community, mistaking Sikhs for Muslims, throwing Sikhs out of his rallies, retweeting racist and bigoted memes, and conflating Sikhs with Islamic terrorism.

All of this is sure to come up as Trump takes her on as a competitor. If his past performances with women and minorities is prologue, he’ll likely zero in on her looks as he did with Carly Fiorina and her un-American-ness as he did with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in 2016. He even went after Ben Carson’s Seventh-Day Adventist faith.

But her poise and measured speaking style are also a contrast to Trump and his preferred approach of ranting and raving, uncontrollable blurting and late-night Twitter tirades. In her Tuesday announcement she seemed to send him a preemptive warning, saying, “I don’t put up with bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts them more if you’re wearing heels.”

All of her background and bio aside, she’s a formidable candidate — a smart and skilled retail politician who’s very popular in her home state of South Carolina. If she can do well there in the Republican primary she’ll be off to a promising start.
DeSantis will simply call her "woke". And Trump is busy dreaming of mass executions of those people

Republican primary voters want blood and punishment of anyone who isn't a Republican primary voter. Trump and/or DeSantis will give them what they want. Haley will be gone by this time next year, if not much sooner.

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