Thursday, August 14, 2008

Biden His Time?

Taylor Marsh puts forward the case for Delaware's Joe Biden based on his statements on the Russo-Georgian Conflict.
He then calls on Russia to stand down, for the country's own sake: The only hope for preventing this crisis from becoming a calamity for Russia’s relationship with the west is for Moscow to immediately ceasefire, pull back its forces and agree to negotiations brokered by the international community – all steps that the Georgian government has agreed to. If the fighting continues, this moment could emerge as a turning point in the west’s relationship with Moscow, and deny Russia the international standing it seeks.

Can Tim Kaine offer this analysis? Can Evan Bayh? Not without conjuring up his Joe Lieberman, neocon committee roots.
Well, okay. I can see Biden too, but as BooMan points out (Biden is MUCH lower on his list at 12)
I hear he is now the front-runner for the VP position. I have always liked Joey Biden more than most of my progresive colleagues, but he has diarrhea of the mouth. He shares this fault with Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. Biden is qualified and he is smart as a tack. But he has left too much ammunition lying around from all his media appearances. I have some qualms about Biden's judgments, but I have more qualms about his reliability. Biden is too risky.

My take on Biden is while he's certainly qualified as a foreign policy wonk, he's a dead giveaway that Obama would be trying to purposely cover his ass on that, Nameless One style (I have a similar problem with Jack Reed and military matters, it's admitting the weakness is large enough to qualify as having to have your Veep there just to cover it.) And BooMan really does have a point about Biden running his mouth, and he's made some bad decisions in the Senate recently. Still, he's had Obama's back publicly.

Least he's not Bayh...or Hillary.

Of course, I'm not either, and I'd probably make a lousy Veep. Obama would probably realize this after the first time I used the power of the office to call in my parents' local Congressman The Odious Patrick McHenry and ask him why he suddenly has 37,184 parking tickets since last Thursday. I'm sure Obama can find a better person. I'm not old enough yet anyway.

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