Thursday, August 7, 2008

Checkbook Politics

Digby has a pretty good theory on why people who believe the economy is the issue this election would vote McSame.

I belong to a non-political website that includes women across the country from all economic strata, educational backgrounds and ages. Those who are working class and young as well as retirees are starting to talk, non-stop, about the economy, specifically prices. These aren't political people, as I said. Indeed, they don't even frame these discussions in political terms. They just comment on how hard it's getting for them to adequately feed their families, budgets are tight, they are cutting back. They ask for advice on how to make their dollars stretch and complain that they can't give their kids what they want. The pinch is very real.

McCain is smart to focus on that particular group, if that's what he's doing, because they are really looking for help. The fact that he's the last man on the planet to give it to them isn't relevant. If he's speaking to them and they feel they can trust him they may just vote for him. All they know is that they are having a hard time making ends meet and the details are probably less important than the idea that he knows they are hurting and promises to help.

As I said yesterday, Obama needs to focus on those people who think the economy is THE issue -- nearly half of us at last count -- and especially the ones in this group that despite 8 years of Bushenomics would still trust McSame on grocery store issues. These are folks who are having real problems, and they need that Obama hope.

This ties directly into the GOP effort to paint Obama as That Odd Mulatto Arugula-Eating Gentleman, and McSame as Grandpa Helpful. It's a good strategy on McSame's part. It's not really working because McSame is terribad at faking being a normie family dude being a septuagenarian crackpot with a volcanic temper and millionaire heiress wifebot, but that's not the point.

The point is Obama should be out there doing this right. For the most part he is. But he needs to be tossing on the Grill Sergeant apron and tossing out cheddar brats with Larry from Sales, ya dig? Obama's got the big picture stuff down, now it's details.

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