Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For What It's Worth...

Michael Barone agrees with me about Hillary Plan 2012.
What was missing was much in the way of description of Barack Obama. What kind of man is he? One who supports the same positions she does. Has she looked deep into his heart and found something worthy? No evidence here that she had. Would he be a good commander-in-chief? Not a word on that, as the McCain campaign quickly and gleefully noted.

Clinton can tell Obamaites that she made the case for Obama and brought the convention cheering to its feet. She can say that she told her supporters in the most explicit language possible to work hard for his election. She can make this claim whether he wins or (the more tantalizing case) he loses. In the latter case, she's made a good start on her own 2012 campaign. She'll be only 64 that year, the same age as George H. W. Bush when he was elected in 1988.

I ran into an Obama adviser leaving the hall. His take? "She did well." The speech "played a role." Pretty chilly, chillier than Clinton's affect. These people still don't like each other.

Yeah, I know, it's more Village stupidity. These guys are 90% of the problem and have a vested interest in seeing the Dems fighting over inane shit.

But the other 10% of the problem are the Clintons. And it doesn't mean the Village can't be right once in a blue moon: These people still don't like each other.

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