Monday, August 25, 2008

It's Too Obvious For Them

It's a bit disconcerting to see Taylor Marsh, one of Hillary's strongest blogging allies, and Big Tent Democrat (another solid Hillblogger) over at Talk Left, discuss the events of the last 48 hours. It's clear Taylor smells an obvious rat in Denver.

Once HRC endorsed Obama, the Clinton camp immediately worked to help me get access to Obama's people. Meanwhile, the Obama team reached out to me at the same time, through the Clinton camp. As most know, I was the first to do hard reports on Obama, with many tough posts all primary season. The Obama team has been nothing but accessible and worked to give me everything I've asked for so far.

So, Big Tent Democrat, whose writing I appreciate very much, is off the mark on this one. The truth is that some HRC supporters wouldn't listen if Obama showed up on their doorsteps carrying an equivalent to the political clearing house check. The other truth is that Obama has a larger field to convince than the remaining HRC supporters who are willing to cut off Lady Liberty's nose to spite democracy's face.

So this "tensions boil" baloney is only managing to do one thing: help John McCain, who continues to put out ad after ad targeting the junior high division of HRC's former supporters.

And yet both of them magically fail to miss the point: There are plenty of voters who are going to vote McCain regardless of what Hillary says, they wanted a woman in the White House. But it's the Clinton surrogates who should know better who are making the most egregious attacks. This are people Hillary can certainly control, people like Howard Wolfson and Paul Begala.

And Clinton's not making any effort to stop them. The point is that the attacks against Obama and the Democrats by the Village and the GOP are being fed by Hillary's own people while Hillary merely denies any involvement.

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