Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lowest Common Duh-Nominate-Her

I've decided that all of yesterday's analysis of Sarah Palin, and yes, even my own, is missing the point of why Sarah Palin was selected.

It all boils down to this: She's a pretty face to excite the base.

In a country where a quarter of us think Obama is a Muslim, a third to 40% of us still think Saddam Hussein was personally behind 9/11, and over half of us don't believe in evolution of humans at all, Sarah Palin is the perfect VP choice for an ignorant, 21st century populace.

The GOP believes it doesn't matter what she has to say about foreign policy, or tax burdens, or balancing the budget. She's a former beauty queen who still looks like one. With the sound off, McSame and Palin look like they're ready to run this country. The pretty nastyVPILF meme is off and running. "She's pretty damn hot." That's the whole point of the cynical exercise.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Karl Rove's brilliant plan is to assure that presidential politics in this great country after 232 years has been reduced to "I would vote for McSame because I would so bang Sarah Palin until she couldn't walk."

Yes, it's misogynist, sexist, insulting, rude, disturbing, infuriating, disgusting, and in every possible aspect, completely 100% wrong. But you know what? Republicans think they'll win anyhow, because we've proven how stupid, easily mislead, gullible, vulnerable to fear, bigoted, irrational, moronic and downright ignorant WE are as a populace, because we voted in George W. Bush. TWICE.

Sarah Palin is there to get McSame close enough so that Karl Rove is able to steal the election a third time. Nothing more. Nothing less. They figure with the Bradley Effect, two months of vicious sliming, McSame acting like your kindly old grandpa and Sarah Palin's rack, enough of you will vote for them even though a massive majority of us are sick of the Bush policies that have wrecked this country.

You'll vote yourself right out of affordable health care, civil rights, civil liberties, and whatever respect the US has left for a team of folks who will keep you ignorant enough to get away with pillaging every last dime and sending us into a deep depression where they can rule us by fear and by rifle, if necessary. It'll be a land of unending war, bigotry and anger, where we exist only to serve the richest Americans and their interests.

Americans are a great people when motivated. When we're not motivated, we're lazy f'ckin bastards.

Karl Rove hopes you're not motivated. He doesn't think you give a shit about this country anymore. He's counting on it.

That's why Sarah Palin. Because the GOP doesn't give a shit about anything other than power. The Politics of Against in action.

I'd say "Remember that in November" but millions of us won't and will vote for McSame/VPILF anyway. Pray Obama wins.

McSame's only chance to win is if Sarah Palin can charm the media. But she'll have to charm Washington's powerful media women too: Village matrons like Maureen Dowd, Cokie Roberts, Katie Couric, Linda Wertheimer, and so on.

I don't think McSame's Operation VPILF will find a very receptive audience on that, and I honestly don't know if GOP luminaries like Kay Baliey Hutchinson and Liddy Dole are going to go along with this, especially the pro-choice moderates like Olympia Snowe and Christie Todd Whitman. They may revolt.

But if the Village goes along with Palin...especially the Village women, then Obama is in serious, serious danger. America's got two months to fall in love with Sarah Palin. She just may be able to pull it off...or get it close enough so that Karl Rove and Diebold can steal it.

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