Saturday, August 9, 2008

McSame McWar McTime

Politics makes for strange bedfellows, and Russian politics seems to make the strangest beds of them all. On the topic of the Russian invasion of Georgia, both President Bush and Barry O are on the same page, asking for calm and diplomacy.

McSame on the other hand seems to think that Georgia was justified to attack Ossetia, but that Russia is *not* justified in attacking Georgia in turn.
When the North Caucasus slid into war Thursday night, it presented John McCain and Barack Obama with a true “3 a.m. moment,” and their responses to the crisis suggested dramatic differences in how each candidate, as president, would lead America in moments of international crisis.

While Obama offered a response largely in line with statements issued by democratically elected world leaders, including President Bush, first calling on both sides to negotiate, John McCain took a remarkably — and uniquely — more aggressive stance, siding clearly with Georgia’s pro-Western leaders and placing the blame for the conflict entirely on Russia.

What pray tell does McSame want us to do to Russia exactly? Is McSame trying to look foolish by saying Georgia is free to bomb the crap out of Ossetia? Or is he trying to look foolish by saying that Russia has no right to have military troops in another sovereign country it has no right to attack, while we're in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or is he trying to look extremely foolish and dangerous by trying to say we should get involved militarily while deep in two wars already?

This is a call not even George W Bush is willing to make. Let's think long and hard about what McSame as Bully-in-Chief would mean for the world with his temper and his disdain of international diplomacy. He actually manages to embody the worst characteristics of both Bush and the Nameless One: a nasty temper and mean personality, a sense of total entitlement, an extreme disconnect from reality bordering of willful ignorance, and the tendency to spout off without thinking.

After 8 years of vicious, vengeful belligerence tempered by bouts of guilt in the White House, we're in danger of trading it in for vicious, vengeful belligerence exacerbated by volcanic bursts of anger.

No matter what you think about Obama, he wins this particular point hands down. There are times for diplomacy and we need a President who understands this, not one who thinks he's the star of a Vince Flynn novel.

Above all this little war needs to be ended by the adults. A couple thousand people have already died and more will follow unless reason breaks out. McSame shouldn't be anywhere near this one.

A free world with that man at the helm is one of unending war, not just in the Middle East, but EVERYWHERE.

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