Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Special Comment Is Special

And now, a Special Comment.

Look folks, I know a lot of you like Hillary. I would still like to believe that Hillary Clinton wants to see Barack Obama president, because the prospect of John Sidney Volcano McSame there makes me physically ill.

How you feel about Hillary is actually irrelevant to the question at hand. The question at hand is "As a voter, who do you want to see in the White House, Barack Obama or John McSame?" If you are angry at Obama for winning and not picking her as his VP, you still have to ask yourself that question. Four years is a lot of time for one man to do a metric shit-ton of damage to our country. I've seen accusations of sexism and misogyny a-flyin, but the stark reality is Hillary Clinton will not win this election.

My advice is this: if you think Barack Obama in the White House represents the pinnacle of misogyny and sexism, and that you wish to punish the Democrats by voting against Barack Obama for that express purpose, please enjoy the results of four years of John McSame being able to give executive orders, appoint federal judges, sign and veto bills, make cabinet and administration appointments, and most likely pick a Supreme Court justice or two.

You ain't seen nothin yet like what will happen to your rights if McSame and the GOP get their way for another four years. Or actually, you have. You've seen more than a few major Supreme Court cases just barely go 5-4 in favor of traditional liberalism and the expansion of personal rights, as opposed to the Roberts/Alito/Thomas/Scalia view of unlimited executive power. Think about it.

It's gut check time. Either you believe in the Democrats and what they stand for and you'll vote Obama, or you believe in the GOP and what they have stood for since Reagan and vote for McSame...or you believe in nothing and you won't vote at all.

Choose wisely.

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