Saturday, August 16, 2008

StupidiNews, Weekend Edition

  • Michael Phelps goes 7 for 7, with his chance for number 8 coming up tonight.
  • The Russians are still milling about smartly inside Georgia, cease fire or not. Meanwhile, many Georgians are convinced somebody will rescue them from Russia...eventually.
  • Both McSame and Obama will take on Purpose-Driven Life author Pastor Rick Warren tonight...and millions of evangelical Christian voters will be paying close attention.
  • The FBI is finally getting around to that whole forensic evidence thing in the anthrax case.
  • If you're wondering what those 75,000 Wall Street types who have lost their jobs this year are doing, wonder no more. (hint: cupcakes.)

1 comment:

  1. Now I want a cupcake.

    Personally, though, I can't see the last article as a bad thing. Well, outside of the economy going down the toiley, getting lost in sewers, and getting butt-fucked by mutants.

    But having 75,000 people go into other jobs... maybe it's small, but it might help?

    I'm no economist though, but that's my immediate thought.
