Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, This Can't Be Good...

Latest Zogby Poll has McCain up by 5. No, that is not a typo. No, this is not the scary part.
In a sharp turnaround, Republican John McCain has opened a 5-point lead on Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race and is seen as a stronger manager of the economy, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

McCain leads Obama among likely U.S. voters by 46 percent to 41 percent, wiping out Obama's solid 7-point advantage in July and taking his first lead in the monthly Reuters/Zogby poll.

Losing 12 points in a month, STILL not the scary part.

This is the scary part.

McCain now has a 9-point edge, 49 percent to 40 percent, over Obama on the critical question of who would be the best manager of the economy -- an issue nearly half of voters said was their top concern in the November 4 presidential election.

That margin reversed Obama's 4-point edge last month on the economy over McCain, an Arizona senator and former Vietnam prisoner of war who has admitted a lack of economic expertise and shows far greater interest in foreign and military policy.

Houston, we have a problem. How the [BLOG EDIT] is Barack Obama possibly losing on the economy to McSame? This is a major, major problem and Obama needs to start hitting hard on real numbers to real people before we end up with McSame making the situation twice as bad.

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