Thursday, August 14, 2008

We're Not Sure, See If His Blood Forms "666" When Spilled On A Bible

This just in, Barry is probably not the Antichrist...
Despite months of Antichrist chatter on the right, from the questions posed on the talk show of popular conservative host Glenn Beck to the horned-O coffee mugs, stickers and T-shirts for sale from conservative Web site, the McCain campaign says its ad is being taken too seriously.

"This is absurd. It's obviously a lighthearted ad having some fun with Senator Obama's tendency to get carried away with audacious statements," campaign spokesman Brian Rogers said today in an e-mail.

The debate over the debate has gotten so intense that Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, the authors of the "Left Behind" series, issued a statement clarifying that Obama is likely not the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. "I've gotten a lot of questions the last few weeks asking if Obama is the Antichrist," Jenkins told Christian Newswire. "I tell everyone that I don't think the Antichrist will come out of politics, especially American politics."

This just in, Vladimir Putin may in fact be the Antichrist...

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