Thursday, September 4, 2008

If You Can't Dazzle Them With Brilliance...

...bury them with bullshit. I've been saying for a while now that the GOP can't win on the issues, so they change the subject. It's nice to see CNN come to the same conclusion.
For the second consecutive night, a lot of the rhetoric at the Republican convention Wednesday evening seemed left over from the last cycle when the fight against terrorism dominated the race.

The biggest voter concern and the theme of the evening was the economy. But did it top the agenda Wednesday night? No. The policy prescriptions were minimal; the party-issued signs proclaiming "prosperity" made for a jarring sight.

The language and terror focus were left over from 2004. The evening's tone was vintage 1992, with just a hint of culture war.

Surveys suggest Democrats hold the advantage on the dominant issue this year, so Republicans looked to redirect the anger with base-pleasing swipes at the media and liberal elites.

That's all these guys have anymore. It has worked for them in the past, and they're going for it here all over again.

Nothing changes as long as they're in charge.

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