Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Which Zandar Goes Well Duh, No Shit

Digby says "Hey, there's something fishy about the timing of this Uberbailout thing."
Marci Wheeler catches an interesting little aside in today's Roll Call article about the latest White house meddling... er management, of King Henry's snow job:

Hidden in an article reporting that Cheney's going to go hunt up some support for the $700,000,000,000 bailout is this admission that the Bush Administration has been sitting on it for some time:

Fratto insisted that the plan was not slapped together and had been drawn up as a contingency over previous months and weeks by administration officials. He acknowledged lawmakers were getting only days to peruse it, but he said this should be enough. [my emphasis]

If the Bush administration has been formulating this plan for months and never breathing a word to lawmakers about it, then there is a much bigger story here than we know. This is being presented as a response to an unpredictable crisis. If that's not true then perhaps some of the conspiracy theories that are floating around are actually true.

Let's hope Fratto is blowing smoke. This bail out plan is being sold as an emergency measure requiring extraordinary powers. If they saw this coming and this is the plan they had waiting in the wings, then we are dealing with something quite different than what we are being told.
You mean the Bushies just happen to have a convenient plan on hand after ignoring the warning signs all over the situation that led to this crisis, that gives them a shitload of money and even more power to the Executive, and takes power away from the Legislative and Judicial branches by declaring checks and balances to be dead in a time of extrodinary and totally unforseen chaos?

Well I'm shocked, it's not like we have ample precedent for that sort of completely cynical and disgusting reponse from these assclowns over the last eight years or anything.

No sirree.

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