Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Liar's Club (aka Atrios's Law)

[UPDATE] As per the Hullabaloo crew, they're calling it Atrios's Law:

Even Republicans all know it's full of shit, but they don't care. It pisses off liberals! And that's really all they care about.
Works for me. Atrios's Law it is.

Josh Marshall notes an important realization by our media:
One of the interesting aspects of this campaign is watching the scales fall from the eyes of many of John McCain's closest admirers among the veteran DC press corps. I'm not talking about the freaks on Fox News or any of the sycophants at the AP. I'm talking about, let's say, the better sort of reporters and commentators in the 45 to 65 age bracket. To the extent that the press was McCain's base (and in many though now sillier respects it still is) this was the base of the base. And talking to a number of them I can understand why that was, at least in the sense of the person he was then presenting himself as.

But over the last ... maybe six weeks, in various conversations with these folks, the change is palpable. Whether it will make any difference in the tone of coverage in the dominant media I do not know. But it is sinking in.

All politicians stretch the truth, massage it into the best fit with their message. But, let's face it, John McCain is running a campaign almost entirely based on straight up lies. Not just exaggerations or half truths but the sort of straight up, up-is-down mind-blowers we've become so accustomed to from the current occupants of the White House. And today McCain comes out with this rancid, race-baiting ad based on another lie. Willie Horton looks mild by comparison. (And remember, President George H.W. Bush never ran the Willie Horton ad himself. It was an outside group. He wasn't willing to degrade himself that far.) As TPM Reader JM said below, at least Horton actually was released on a furlough. This is ugly stuff. And this is an ugly person. There's clearly no level of sleaze this guy won't stoop to to win this election.

We always knew race was going to be part of McSame's arsenal. Too many "low-infromation" voters are simply not going to vote for Obama based on the many lies being tood about them, but as I've said on a number of occasions the purpose of these lies are to give cover for racism. It's unfortunate that McSame has stooped to this level, but really not surprising. The campaign doesn't have anything going for it other than dog-whistle racism and lies. There's nothing positive about it, what the McSame campaign is actually advocating for, even the positive bits are about establishing as much government control over our lives as possible, and fomenting new and better wars.

It's Bush without the the 8 years of realpolitik. Yes, compared to McSame and Palin, Bush is the very model of restraint. McSame is actually right when he says he's not Bush.

He's much, much worse: Bush without the blinders on and fully aware of what he intends to violate.

Case in point on the Bridge to Nowhere lie: When called out on it, lie more. It worked for Bush on everything. Lie. When somebody calls you on it, lie more. McSame as Bush.

Mrs. Palin also killed the infamous Bridge to Nowhere in her own state. Yes, she once supported the project: But after witnessing the problems created by earmarks for her state and for the nation's budget, she did what others like me have done: She changed her position and saved taxpayers millions. Even the Alaska Democratic Party credits her with killing the bridge.
See this? This is a lie. She didn't save taxpayers a dime because SHE KEPT ALL $223 MILLION. She just didn't spend it on the bridge. She just took the pork.

But it doesn't matter. Republicans can lie all day. When they are challenged, the liberal media is smearing them, and to go back to lying. This is how our country works.

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