Thursday, September 18, 2008

More McSpain

The Washington Post has McSame's response to McSpain:
So, was McCain purposely trying to diss the Spanish leader? Questions about whether McCain forgot which country Zapatero leads, got confused about Spain's geographic relationship to Latin America, or confused Zapatero with the Zapatista rebels from Mexico have exploded on blogs since reports of the interview first surfaced.

McCain foreign policy adviser Randy Sheunemann said McCain's answer was intentional.

"The questioner asked several times about Senator McCain's willingness to meet Zapatero (and id'd him in the question so there is no doubt Senator McCain knew exactly to whom the question referred). Senator McCain refused to commit to a White House meeting with President Zapatero in this interview," he said in an e-mail.

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Spain is a NATO ally and one of the few countries that doesn't publicly hate us in a part of the world where we badly need help. You're telling me McSame won't commit to meeting with a NATO ally leader as President?

Doesn't that disqualify him from the job?

It's a lie to cover his growing senility. He's losing it. These are legitimate questions and they involve McSame being able to discharge his duties as President. If he can't, Sister Sarah is one heartbeat away from being leader of the free world.

Of course, there's the Obama option, America. Consider looking into it.

[UPDATE] Viva McSpain!

Muy bueno!

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