Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Other Side: Top Ten Reasons Why McSame/Palin Will Win

Taylor Marsh takes an honest look at how McSame and Palin can win in November:
1. Sarah Palin is a gift to the Republican base, who has been energized by her presence, which could bring them out in droves. She's already inspired $10 million in fundraising, something McCain has never seen before.

2. Sarah Palin neutralizes Joe Biden, compliments of the latest media talking point, both on the stump and in debates through the "Rick Lazio" factor.

3. Hillary is not the vice presidential nominee. We wouldn't have Palin if she were.

4. Obama nixed the 527s, which can't get up and running this late and be as effective as they could have been.

5. Palin is now a heroine of wingnut radio because of cultural issues, their political manna, which will further fire up the base, utilizing Karl Rove's main tool to get out the vote: talk radio's outreach.

6. People don't vote on issues, they vote on emotion. McCain's war hero story is real and moves voters on many levels.

7. George W. Bush can manufacture national security opportunities that would give McCain an advantage.

8. People say they will, but actually won't vote for someone different from themselves.

9. Republicans are disciplined, fall in line and fight like hell to win no matter what's required, including play dirty. Democrats are not, do not and will not. See Joe Lieberman, who should have been neutered politically long ago.

10. IOKIYAR = It's OK If You're A Republican. If Palin was a Democrat her tawdry soap opera story, investigation that could result in a report being released right before November, and ridiculously weak resume would be used to beat the Democratic presidential nominee into submission by the right-wing, until she was pulled, ala Eagleton.
And so help me, she's right. This is still going to be a close, ugly race. Which side wants it more, which side will bring out the votes, which side will take this election, which side will do what it takes to win?

I can talk about how Obama is a new light and a new hope for politics, and I can talk about how bad McSame is on the issues and how he's another 4 years of Bush, but if McSame and his buddies steal this and win, it doesn't matter a good goddamn what Obama could have done, we'll be stuck with the Other Side for another 4 years.

We'll be asking "What if?" just like we did with Gore and Kerry, and Rome will burn. We've got to see this one through and vote, and make every vote count.

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