Thursday, September 25, 2008

Playing To Lose

OK, super cynical Devil's Advocate time here.

  1. Whoever is President will be a one-term guy, guaranteed. The economy will see to that.
  2. McSame's team is now playing to lose. Obama has to be in the White House to go down hard as the GOP regroups along the Palin/Huckabee axis that only true believers can save us from the end times. 2010 they plan to take back Congress, 2012 the White House and endless war, lockdown, riots, conscription, insanity, wheeeeeeeeee.
  3. But Hillary needs McSame to win and go down hard as the GOP becomes Twelve Years Of Total Assclownery And War. McSame will almost certainly attack Pakistan and Iran, and if he doesn't, oops unfit for office due to medical reasons Witchhunter General Palin will. The great thing is that the hideous state of the economy will dial the crazy batshit stuff back to the kind of crap we have currently, only in a different country. Hillary will then come in to do what Obama could not and save us. This entails crazy insanity like Big Dog sticking up for McSame's decision to suspend his campaign. Just totally wacky stuff.
I'm actually pretty friggin depressed to come up with an entirely plausible situation where it would be in the best interests of the country to actually let McSame/Palin have a crack at running the White House so that I can vote for Hillary four years from now.


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