Monday, September 1, 2008

Watching Gustav

Watching the coverage of Gustav this morning on MSNBC. I can't believe they're talking to Mike "Heck of a job Brownie" Brown right now as some sort of expert on the situation. Then again, Brown is a huge reminder and symbol of just how broken the Bushies are.

MSNBC is now saying FEMA expects that some of the levees in the south and west may fail again. Once again this is shaping up to be a complete disaster. Thousands are left in the city. Anyone left in there is on their own. The government's not there to protect those who can't get out. Let em die, our government says. Gustav makes landfall shortly.

We'll see. Remember this Labor Day, while you get a day off (some of us) as a reward for being the most productive workers on Earth, and this is how the government treats you in return: you're on your own.

Remember, the GOP thinks this storm will be good for them.
“You don’t wish for it, but it shows McCain dealing with a surprise — a big event that has consequences on people,” a convention planner said. “It’s redemption for the Republican Party on the competence issue. The convention ends up being about John McCain showing the best way to serve a cause greater than yourself.”
Remember in November.

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