Saturday, October 11, 2008

Delusions Of Only Being Moderately Horrible

You really do have to admire the sheer ability of Preznitman to deny reality to the point where he honestly believes he did us a favor these last eight years.
George W. Bush began his presidency with the worst terrorist attack on American soil and he is ending it with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. In between, he confronted a hurricane that nearly wiped New Orleans off the map as his administration showed ineptitude in its response.

Now, as he spends his last months in office trying to avert a global economic collapse, Mr. Bush has been telling people privately that it’s a good thing he’s in charge.

Are you shittin' me? This man is the worst President in the history of the country, and he's actually believing we're grateful for the last eight years to him.
“He said that if it was going to happen at all, he was glad it was happening under his presidency, because he had a good group of people in D.C. working for him,” Dru Van Steenberg, one of several small-business owners who met with Mr. Bush in San Antonio earlier this week. The president expressed the same sentiment, others said, during a similar private session in Chantilly, Va., the next day.

“He said that whoever was going to take over in January was going to have a huge crisis on their hands the day they come into office,” Ms. Van Steenberg added. “He thought by this happening now, that perhaps everyone could see signs of improvement before the next president comes into office.”

Insanity. Pure insanity. Bush really does believe history will see him as some sort of saint with a dirty halo, a man who led the country through the "rough shoals of fate" ala Gerald Ford or something, and that he will be absolved by historians decades from now as a visionary or great unifying statesman.

Our President is an insane lunatic suffering from nearly sociopathic levels of delusion. His complete lack of leadership and his blatant refusal to act on some of American history's most turbulent events has directly contributed to the state we're in right now: facing a global catastrophe.

He will be reviled by a generation who will teach their own children to revile him as well. He deserves no less. He should actually appear on the currency of this country in the future with the caption "Never Again."

Never Again. Two words that we must all take to heart now, for it is truly too late. Our standard of living will drop precipitously soon. With clear eyes, sharp mind, and a heavy heart, we must find a way out together now.

I fear it will be a brutally long journey.

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