Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Know When The GOP Is Up To No Good

Follow this simple checklist:
  1. The GOP exists.
  2. It's a day of the week ending in the letter 'y'.
  3. They are behind in the polls.
  4. They are accusing the Democrats of cheating, for this is the only way Democrats could possibly be ahead in the polls.
If you answered yes to all four questions, simply take whatever the GOP is accusing the Democrats of doing, and you now know exactly what the GOP is up to.
The Ohio Republican Party launched Tuesday a radio ad that opens with the sound of a ticking clock and asks, "Could Ohio's election be stolen?"

In suggesting that "many" voting registrations in the state "may be fraudulent," the 60-second spot cites the case of a Cleveland man who has told election officials and news reporters that he signed multiple registration cards in exchange for cigarettes. The ad says that the man was "bribed to register 72 different times and vote illegally."

Mike West, a spokesman for the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections in Cleveland, said Tuesday that the board has uncovered 80 registration cards with Freddie Johnson's name on them that were submitted since January, "but he has never voted. ... We have no record of him ever voting."

Ohio Republicans have said in court briefs that fraudulent registration forms raise fears that fraudulent voting could occur.

The ad berates Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (D) for allegedly ignoring problems with voter registrations and "concealing evidence." The ad will run throughout the state, as many as 20 times a day in some locations through Nov. 4.

Asked about the spot, Kevin Kidder, a spokesman for Brunner, said, "We are not going to dignify it with a response."

The fact that the GOP is taking out radio ads on this is a huge clue that the GOP is up to no good in Ohio. When they are accusing Dems of trying to steal the election, you'd better believe the GOP is trying to do exactly that.

Interestingly enough, the US Justice Department said it's not going to investigate the Ohio GOP's claims too closely. Not enough evidence. Perhaps they are tired of being Bush's legal thugs. Perhaps they are being held in reserve. Perhaps it's one hell of a feint.

Perhaps Obama is going to win by such a margin that Ohio really won't matter by itself.

1 comment:

  1. I think this plan might be twofold:

    1) Mask their attempt to steal the election.
    2) If they fail, to tar Dems with the meme that they could only win by stealing the election. If the mem sticks, Obama and the Dems are going to have a LOT of trouble.

    Right now, they know (or at least think) they've lost. So they're trying to ruin the effectiveness of Obama's administration. It's petty and spiteful...

    But what do you expect out of the old white fuckers?
