Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why Is It So Hard For The Democrats To Stop Cowering?

Digby once again brings us yet another example of Democrats pissing themselves with abject fear rather than realizing the American people are about to give them a complete mandate for real change.
On Stephanopoulos this morning:

Newt Gingrich: If Obama won and had a moderate House and a moderate Senate, he would probably be a moderate president. His temperament would lead him to be much more like Richard Daley than like Eeverend Wright. He's not gonna have that. he';s gonna have card check to take away your right to a secret ballot. He's going to have an effort to eliminate freedom of speech for Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. He's going to have a congress that wants to raise taxes, that wants to increase government --- is he really going to veto and fight with Pelosi and Reid? ... As the Wall Street Journal said on Friday, here is what their promising their allies they're going to do.

Donna Brazile: Yeah, but they're not in office Mr. Speaker. Senator Obama wil inherit a 10 trillion dollar deficit and he's going to have to put things on the table that perhaps many of us would not like to see a Democratic president put on the table in terms of cutting back on spending, freezing hiring and making some real tough decisions. So, I think he will be constrained by the deficit and also by the fact that we're still in two major wars.

That's a relief. No need for anyone to worry that Obama isn't going to govern like a Republican. Except, you know, Republicans are really unpopular.

Gingrich is playing for 2010, here, preparing his troops to run against the already unpopular congress. He's calling Obama a wimp for being unable to stand up to his crazed, radical base. It's a natural move for the Republicans.

But there is no excuse for Brazile to fall into the rhetorical fetal position and help him. My God, we are in the final two weeks of a presidential campaign which is taking place in the middle of an economic crisis and is this the best she can do? He gave her the perfect opening in the world --- "the Republicans are more worried about a non-existent free speech threat to multi-millionaires like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity than they are about the real threat to average Americans financial security. Obama is going to be dealing with real problems of average people and will do what it takes to get this country back on the right track after the Republicans drove it off the rails over the last eight years."
After a generation of Democrats cringing from the mere sight of the whip hand, they have a chance to take this country in a brand new direction...but they are still so afraid of the Right Wing Noise machine that they're still afraid to even try to resist.

Not all of them are. Obama's core team stands as testament to the power of belief. But the rest of the Washington Democratic apparatus is terrified that Contract With America II is going to come for them and put another 12-year lock on the House door. It hasn't occured to them that rolling over like dogs was what cost them in 1994, 1996, 1998 and 2000. Capitulation got us Bush in the White House for 8 years after that, a good 14 years of conservative bullshit that culminated in catastrophe after catastrophe, and yet like Stockholm Syndrome the Village Dems are petrified that they will offend their righg-wing overlords.

It's time to decide who we keep and who we toss overboard in November, folks. Village idiots? They get jettisoned first. Digby's brilliant summation:
No wonder Gingrich looked like a very fat cat with a mouthful of yellow feathers when she said that. He's winning even as he's losing.
Stop fearing them. Start fighting them. Look at what Obama is doing. Let him DO it. Help him DO it.

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