Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Zero Tolerance

Yeah, so, What Would Jesus Do With A Bunch Of Racist Assholes?
A Christian university in Oregon said Tuesday it has punished four students who confessed to hanging a likeness of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama from a tree on campus.

George Fox University broke the news to students and staff Tuesday afternoon at an all-campus meeting. About 1,000 people attended, said Rob Felton, a university spokesman.

A statement from the school said the penalties against the four students were "immediate long-term suspension and public service." The school cited federal privacy rules in not disclosing more about the students or their punishment.

The FBI is investigating whether any civil rights were violated.

I love it. A Christian university in freaking Oregon hanging an Obama effigy from a tree. Only in America is this considered acceptable by anyone.

Show me once where a cardboard cutout of McSame or Sarah Palin was hung by a tree on the campus of a college. Go on, I'm waiting. It would be a national day of mourning if it happened. Malkinvania and Bill-O would demand the university be shut down immediately and the students in question would be harrassed as the wingnuts would release the students' personal info on the internet, subjecting them to thousands of harassing phone calls, emails, and letters (and probably assault).

It wouldn't excuse what they did as repugnant. But equally repugnant would be the response from the wingers designed for maximum outrage and inciting more violence against the people responsible.

But not word one out of the righty blogs about this, oh no. This story doesn't exist for them.

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