Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama Has Nothing To Worry About In 2012

Bold statement, I know. But if the GOP honestly follows the advice of Robert Novak, Barry's got re-election in the bag. It's not Sarah Palin he wants to's Newt Gingrich.
In serious conversations among Republicans since their election debacle Tuesday, what name is mentioned most often as the Moses, or Reagan, who could lead them out of the wilderness before 40 years?

To the consternation of many Republicans, it is none other than Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House.

Gingrich is far from a unanimous or even a consensus choice to run for president in 2012, but there is a strong feeling in Republican ranks that he is the only leader of their party who has shown the skill and energy to attempt a comeback quickly.

Even one of his strongest supporters for president in 2012 admits it is a "very risky choice." But Republicans are in a desperate mood after the fiasco of John McCain's seemingly safe candidacy.

Republicans seem chastened by the failure of seeking moderate, independent and even Democratic votes. They are ready to try going back to the "old-time religion."

Risky? Let's see, here's a guy who in 4 years went from the savior of the GOP and Speaker of the House in 1994 to actually helping getting Clinton re-elected over Dole in 1996 and then resigning his House seat in November 1998 because he lost complete control of his own House caucus as Speaker. The unchained GOP House wingnuts then went insane and impeached Clinton just six weeks later as their first "bi-partisan" act of the post Newt era. Yeah, I'm sure America wants to be reminded of that chapter of history. But they may not have any other choice, Novak says.
It would be a rocky road for Gingrich to the nomination, much less the presidency, but there are no other serious candidates inside the party at the moment.
Honestly stop and think about that admission. Not only does he mean 2008 primary losers like Romney, Huckabee, and Rudy 9/11 are not serious 2012 candidates, but he means rising GOP stars like Bobby Jindal and yes, Sister Sarah have no chance either.

If Novak is serious about Newt being the GOP's only shot in 2012 at all, then Obama will be a two-term President for sure. Let's hope he's right. Gingrich/Palin in 2012 would be deliciously awesome.

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