Thursday, January 15, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Bush Derangement Syndrome is the sarcastic belief that liberals are so insane that they see George W. Bush as being ultimately responsible for even the smallest evil in the universe. Wingnuts made this term up and use it as often as possible as it allows them to more comfortably dismiss legitimate criticism of Bush and avoid logically discussing his problems. Just ignore the argument the liberal makes, then yell "You just hate Bush!" and bam, you win.

Needing a new strawman argument for the forseeable future, Obama Derangement Syndrome is apparently the sarcastic belief that liberals are so insane that they see Barack Obama as being ultimately responsible for even the smallest good in the universe. Wingnuts love this as it allows them to more comfortably dismiss legitimate praise of Obama and avoid logically discussing his merits. Just ignore the argument the liberal makes, then yell "You just love Obama!" and bam, you win.

To wingnuts, this is called "evolution."

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