Thursday, February 26, 2009

Al Versus Norm, Part 312

Norm Coleman is still losing the recount, so now he wants a do-over.
The talk from the Coleman campaign about how the Minnesota election results are unreliable, and that a do-over election could be an option, has now gone beyond just Norm Coleman's lawyers -- it's now coming from the mouth of Norm himself.

Coleman did an interview with Sirius conservative talk-radio host Andrew Wilkow, and discussed the campaign's argument that the court's current strict standards for allowing in previously-rejected ballots must by extension render illegal a whole lot of ballots accepted and counted on Election Night, when local election officials used lax standards:

"What does the court do?" Norm asked rhetorically. "Yeah, you know some folks are now talking about simply saying run it again, just run it again."

"Have another statewide election?" Wilkow asked.

Coleman responded: "You know the St. Paul Pioneer Press of the second largest papers in the state, last week [they] said we're never going to figure this out, just run it again. So you start hearing that. Ultimately the court has to make a determination, can they confirm, can they certify who got the most legally cast votes?"

Remember, when a Democrat is losing a recount, it must be settled as soon as possible in favor of the Republican to avoid "disenfranchising the people" because the "voting process worked".

But if a Republican is losing a recount, we have to have to have a re-vote because the "voting process is fundamentally flawed".

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