Friday, February 13, 2009

Definition Of Insanity

Albert Einstein is credited with the saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Think Progress catalogs Obama's growing insanity over bipartisanship:

– What Obama did: Trusted Judd Gregg when he indicated that, “despite past disagreements about policies, he would support, embrace and move forward with the president’s agenda.”

– What Obama got in return: A “change of heart” from Gregg, who said that he “couldn’t be Judd Gregg” at Commerce.

– What Obama did: Reached out to have dinner with right-wing pundits Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, and David Brooks.

– What Obama got in return: A ripping from his right-wing friends, who called it the worst in “galactic history.”

– What Obama did: Tried to work with the House GOP by preemptively including tax cuts, stripping stimulative spending proposals, and attending their conference meeting.

– What Obama got in return: Zero votes (and a bunch of false myths about his plan)

– What Obama did: Tried to reach out to John McCain to work together on “solving our financial crisis.”

– What Obama got in return: Nothing. McCain voted against the legislation, and even went so far as to call it “generational theft” and hypocritically complained that it contained “corporate giveaways.”

Obama got burned every single time he tried, and this was just in the span of roughly three weeks. The good news is Obama has learned his lesson. Now the hard part begins.


  1. I'm considerably more optimistic and forgiving, still.

    Obama isn't dumb. Far from it. And I sincerely doubt he is insane.

    I still think that what he has essentially done is shown that he was serious about reconciling and working with the opposition.

    Hey, they might bleat when Obama brings out the beatstick. But hey, you know, maybe they shouldn't have thwacked him with every olive branch that he offered.

    He's taken the high ground, really. Not only does it look noble, but he can keep a good grip on the rope the Repubs hang themselves with.

    Kinda sucks that we have a gimped stimulus, but it can be extended, should it be necessary. At least now, if we need more, Obama can point that the Repubs won't work with him, ESPECIALLY if it is in the public interest.

  2. If you'll forgive the second post...

    So really, I think Obama didn't learn anything because he already knew what the result would be. But he made a fair bit out of saying he would be bipartisian, and if he did not, the Repubs would (rightly, for once, even if it's not warranted) call him a liar.

    It sounds dirtier than it is, but really, it was all about hedging bets.

    Now that the stimulus has gone through, it seems that the Dems may be starting to get their act together.

    But that's just more optimism from me. It keeps me from going insane.
