Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Obamedia Strikes Again

Now that Barack Obama has had a whole eleven days in office, it's time to fire up the blamethrower. Newsweek's cover story for the week of February 1?

It doesn't matter what the other guy did for the last seven years. It's all Obama's Vietnam now.
"Even 60,000 troops is a long way from the half million American soldiers sent to Vietnam at the war's peak; the 642 U.S. deaths sustained so far pale in comparison to the 58,000 lost in Vietnam," Thomas and Barry add.
"Still, consider this: that's a higher death toll than after the first nine years of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. And what is troubling is that no one in the outgoing or incoming administration has been able to say what the additional troops are for, except as a kind of tourniquet to staunch the bleeding while someone comes up with a strategy that has a chance of working. The most uncomfortable question is whether any strategy will work at this point."
But remember, Your Liberal Obamedia is madly in love with the Obamessiah at this point and would never, ever ruin his unending stream of praise.

Honeymoon. Over. After all, eleven whole days of "You should let the GOP have as much influence as possible" and "You should really resist your own party on this" and "We think Sasha and Malia are cute" is really just too much. Now it's time for the real work: "Why haven't you fixed the economy, Afghanistan, Gitmo, global warming, Iran, Israel, Gaza, Iraq, Russia, China, and all of Islam yet? It's been almost two weeks, you asshole. That's not change we can believe in!"

[UPDATE] Bonus Obamedia love: last week's ice storm here in Kentucky is now (wait for it...wait for it...) Obama's Katrina.
Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.

"We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet," Smith said. "We don't even know that they're alive."

Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so far.

"I'm not saying we can't handle it; we'll handle it," Smith said. "But it would have made life a lot easier" if FEMA had reached the county sooner, he said.

FEMA spokeswoman Mary Hudak said some FEMA personnel already are in Kentucky working in the state's emergency operations center and that more will be arriving in coming days. Hudak said FEMA also has shipped to 50 to 100 generators to the state to supply electricity to facilities like hospitals, nursing homes, and water treatment plants.

Hudak said travel is still dangerous in some areas and communications are limited.

"We have plenty of folks ready to go, but there are some limitations with roads closed and icy conditions," she said.

How much more of the "failed Obama Presidency" can America take? After all, if Obama had just cut down all the trees in Kentucky when he came into office, he could have prevented this tragedy. Clearly we must impeach...

In all honesty folks I've said time and time again that the Village has but one job now: to paint Barack Obama as worse than George W. Bush could ever have been. So far I'd say they're doing a bang-up job.

New tag: Already Failed Obama Presidency. Sheesh.

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