Sunday, February 8, 2009

Things Come Around

I've been saying it for weeks now, Josh Marshall came to the same conclusion a few days ago, and today Digby has joined the chorus:

Obama's going to be coming to the congress for God knows how many more gazillions in bailouts for the financial system. There are two wars that continue to burn vast amounts of money, not to mention the US global military empire in general. There is the massive federal police state apparatus that has been built up over the past seven years that has to be funded or the terrorists will kill us in our beds. All of these things are sacred and will be funded no matter what, although the Republicans may put up some kind of a token fight against the finacial system bailout and the Democrats may put up a token resistence to military spending. (Sadly, nobody will raise a question about the police state funding.)

Those are things that are considered absolutely necessary and vital government expenditures that can't even be touched, particularly by a Democratic majority, and the Republicans will use them as examples of their responsible leadership. They will say they just have to draw the line at "pork" and "entitlements," which the country just can't afford, what with all the unemployment and all.

They have shown their cards -- they are cynically banking on the economy failing to get themselves back into power. And they have the media (and possibly even the administration) helping them.
And so another intelligent voice hits upon the only logical conclusion to support the GOP's actions, actions that border on what then? Evil? Treason? Who knows. Who knows how many millions will suffer because the GOP is willing to stop any effort to rehabilitate the economy?

It starts with the sabotage of Obama. But it could end with calling the GOP out on being willing to wreck the economy for political gain.

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