Sunday, February 8, 2009

Your Liberal Media In Action

The latest complaint out of your liberal media? Obama's prime time press conference on Monday, a speech on President's Day on the stimulus, and an address to the joint chambers of Congress on Feb. 24th, is going to "cost the networks millions" in prime-time ad revenue.

"His economic stimulus package apparently does not extend to the TV networks," one network exec noted.

Obama's reps have alerted broadcasters that the president will hold a news conference Monday, according to network execs. It's expected to eat up the first hour of prime time; that alone could cost broadcasters more than $9 million in lost ad revenue.

Imagine if the media had complained about lost ad revenue during any Bush speech at any point. You would have wingnuts screaming that the media was corrupt, anti-Bush, and should have all federal funding pulled.

But it's okay to attack Obama and complain about how he's monopolizing TV before he's even made a single prime-time appearance as President.

And does anyone lift a finger? No.

The deck is so stacked against Obama it's pathetic. I honestly believe we'll see at least one major network refuse to cover his appearances. And the wingnuts will chuckle and say "Well gosh, the Liberal media hates him too, is it any wonder why this President has failed?"

[UPDATE] Digby has more on this, as well as a pretty good explanation of the future of America at the hands of the rabid conservative minority: you have to look no further than California's impending collapse.
California is in deep trouble. The state's bond rating is now the worst of all 50 states. They are furloughing workers. The place is coming apart at the seams.

And why? Because the anti-tax zealots have achieved their goal -- a government that is held hostage to conservatives whether in the minority or the majority ---conservatives who will ensure that the government can never function in a way that gives the citizens confidence that it can actually work.

It's useful to think a little bit about that as we see the federal government likewise rigged, and increasingly dysfunctional. Conservatives masquerading as centrists having veto power when the government needs to raise revenue or spend it on anything that might make government seem like a useful institution for anything other than war, prisons and (sometimes) police, is a recipe for chaos.
And I have said this time and time again: the contempt, the hatred, the notion that "Obama is not my President" didn't vanish on November 5. It stayed buried until January 21. It's now back among us in spades.

They want you to hate Barack Obama. They want you to forget conservatism and rampant free market greed caused this. They want you to think the Democrats are to blame. They know the collapse is coming. They are setting up the scapegoats ahead of time.

And when they get control again next time, they will never let go.

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