Saturday, February 28, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Atrios sez:
One of the bits of wrong conventional wisdom going into 2008 was that at some point the Republican presidential candidate and conservatives generally would break up with Bush somehow. I never believed this because for 8 years the entire identity of the conservative movement was George Bush. There was no way to do it.

I'm not sure why they're bothering to try now.
I'm 100% why they are trying now, and that's that the GOP has fully embraced becoming the Party Of Hoping America Collapses So They Can Rise From The Ashes. The inmates are running the asylum. CPAC is just the tip of the iceberg for these wackos, and I guarantee you that the completely delusional right-wingers are running stuff now, and the Bush/McCain Chamber of Commerce "big tent" wing of the party now only exists to be purged.

This includes guys like Mitt Romney, Charlie Crist, and Ahnold out in Cali, as well as centrists like Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Arlen Specter. They will be driven out of the party by fire here in the next several years as the assault on Obama The Enemy grows into full-fledged insanity.

El Rushbo gave the plan away months ago and continues to reaffirm it almost daily: Obama must fail, and with him America must fail as well, for the GOP message of hate and violence to properly prosper. The rest of the GOP is beginning to publicly admit it. The same folks who screamed that dissent against Bush was tantamount to treason are now openly admitting they want the President to go down in flames and take your country with him.

The storm is coming, folks. It's going to be like nothing we've seen in generations. Obama will be singled out by the GOP as the cause of everything, and they will all but tacitly encourage America to rise up against him. The country is sadly underestimating the extent to which the deposed lunatics in the Republican Party will go.

They will not stop until somebody rids them of this troublesome President.

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