Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Last Call

Pretty decent press conference.

Chuck Todd's asinine question about "Why aren't you asking Americans to sacrifice?" was the bell-ringer. Obama nailed it by saying exactly what I was thinking he should say, that people getting laid off by the thousands and taking furloughs in order to keep their fellow employees working already are sacrificing. Not to mention Americans losing their homes, cars, livelihoods...hey Chuck, the President doesn't have to ask America to sacrifice. Americans are being made to sacrifice by the thousands, you idiot.

If Obama had a worst moment, it was taking the question from the Univision reporter about the border patrol surge. Mexico's in real danger right now and tensions are high. Obama danced around the issue and the question of additional US military troops on the border.

Still, a decent presser. Most of the other questions were pretty stupid stuff, AIG, the budget, etc...but no mention of Iraq or Afghanistan, but a crazy question about limiting tax deductions on charitable donations? How the hell is that even relevant when we're fighting two wars?

Obama 1, Village 0, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. heh, when i heard that part of chuck todd's question, i had a "you've gotta be effing kidding me" moment. mostly because i wasn't expecting it -- i thought his question was going in the direction of "why aren't the retards who got us into this mess being asked to put more skin in the game?" (note: i'm not terribly familiar with who is who for the most part in the beltway media, so if this todd guy is normally this lame, i wasn't aware til now)

    i missed a good portion of the q&a session after that, though... had to head home from work.
