Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Mike Steele Error

The Politico hit job on RNC chair Michael Steele is a calculated strike, the door is now open for Steele's job. Taking on Rush may just have sealed the deal on losing his job. (h/t Balloon Juice).
A month after Michael Steele became the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee, key party leaders are worried that the GOP has made a costly mistake — one that will make it even harder for them to take back power from the dominant Democratic Party.

Steadily becoming a dependable punch line, Steele has brushed back Rush Limbaugh, threatened moderate Republican senators, offered the “friggin’ awesome” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal some “slum love,” called civil unions “crazy” and promised more outreach to “urban-suburban hip-hop settings” via an “off the hook” public relations campaign.

He even threw a shout-out to “one-armed midgets.”

That’s in just 30 days on the job — and that’s just the PR part.

On the organizational side, Steele does not have a chief of staff, a political director, a finance director or a communications director. Last week, one of the two men sharing the job of interim finance director was forced to resign.

For now, “the fourth floor,” as the RNC’s executive suite is known, is being run by a pair of consultants.

“There’s frustration that there’s no discipline, no planning,” said a well-known Republican consultant. “He’s risking being overexposed by accepting every interview, which makes gaffes more likely.”
There's more hit pieces out there in the usual places for Republicans, namely the DC Examiner and US News & World Report. Given that, I'm giving Mike a 50/50 shot at making it to next week. It's clear the El Rushbo wing is in full revenge/purge mode against him, and if they decide they want him gone, he'll be convinced to resign. The only thing keeping Mike in his job is the fact that replacing him would be a PR nightmare, especially if his replacement was racist prick Katon Dawson or local vote suppressing scuzzbag Ken Blackwell. Both of them are lining up behind Rush, and it's pretty clear judging from these recent RNC chairman runner-ups that there may very well be another RNC chair vote in the near future.

We'll see how this goes. But if Steele resigns, there would be zero doubt that El Rushbo controls the entire GOP party apparatus. To me, it's staggering that the GOP honestly thinks here that the problem with the party right now is Michael Steele and not Rush Limbaugh.

The Oxycontinfather will not be denied, and he's making an offer nobody in the GOP dares refuse. Of course, Digby's had Rush's number for years now. Nothing's really changed, he's been the heart, soul, and mind of the GOP for a long, long time now.


  1. You know, I keep hearing the thought that this may have been what Obama and Raum was intending.

    Obama tells Republicans that they need to stop bowing to Limbaugh.

    Limbaugh, ego slighted, says "he hopes Obama fails" and swears to turn on any Republican who dares work with him.

    Increasingly, the Oxycontinfather turns on ANYONE who dares pose the slightest (even unintentional) challenge to his dominance.

    Emmanuel gently reminds everyone that Our High Lord Pedophile is a piece of shit.

    Oxycontinfather is AAAAAAAAAANGRY, and beats down the man who people see as the current leader of the Republicans.

    It becomes apparent, to most people, that Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican party. The leader of the Republican party hopes that Obama fails, and that their livelihoods and country fails with him.

    The political ads basically write themselves, with input from the Prime Minister of Sex Tourism.

    Obama sits back, gets to work on the stimulus, and tells the Democratic party to start sucking him off for locking up the next three or four election cycles.

    Effort taken on Obama's part: Ten minutes, maybe ten sentences.
    Effort taken on Limbaugh's part: Several hours, if not days, and several shows.
    Effort taken on the Republican's part: I'll get back to you whenever they stop cutting themselves.

    One thinks, if this was Obama's intent... good god, I hope I don't EVER get on his bad side. But then, hey, I'm never likely to.

  2. Yeah, I know. The Village won't admit the GOP is in the throes of a civil war right now between Rush and the Charlie Crist/Ahnold faction. But keeping them fighting each other means they can't fight Obama.
