Thursday, April 30, 2009

Epic Brand Name Fail

As Steve Benen points out, Republicans are once again Doing It Wrong:
It seems several leading Republicans have effectively given up hope that the GOP is the "party of ideas," and want to start over.

Looking to rebrand a struggling Republican Party, a group of party heavyweights including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) are launching a new group that will hold town halls around the country and look to produce GOP ideas on issues like education and health care.

Republicans will announce today the creation of the "National Council for a New America," a group led by congressional party leaders that includes Bush, McCain, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal as its "national panel of experts."

I see. The "rebranding" effort will be led in part by conservative Republicans with the last names Bush and McCain. What could possibly go wrong?

Or, as Josh Marshall put it, "You know things are really humming along when your 'rebranding' effort is led by your recently crushed presidential nominee and your discredited party leader's brother."

And the sad part is that it's not funny in the long run. We need a viable second political party and I swear that the GOP is trying to extinguish themselves in the fires of self-immolation just so the Democrats will start screwing up on purpose to save the Republicans.

He-Man can't be He-Man without Skeletor, you know.


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