Friday, April 10, 2009

Glenn Beck Loses It

Glenn has gone bye-bye.

As Steve Benen notes, that's not the half of it.
This was so completely insane, it was probably the first time I genuinely started to wonder if Beck's derangement is an elaborate act. A guy this crazy, in real life, might try to eat his shoes while arguing with mailboxes. Getting dressed and making it to a television studio every day would be difficult.

But that's not really the interesting part. Alex Koppelman added, "Unfortunately, not captured in the video is what happened next, when Texas Gov. Rick Perry came on and Beck asked, 'Governor, you're regretting being on this program at this point, are you not, sir?' Perry responded, 'Not at all, Glenn Beck. I'm proud to be with you.'"

And that, in a nutshell, helps explain what's gone terribly wrong with conservative Republicans of late. Beck appears to be in desperate need of medication, and the chief executive of one of the nation's largest states is "proud" to appear on the show, just moments after Beck pretended to set a colleague on fire.

Not much else to add, other than I'll need to ask Zandardad (being a qualified mental health professional) if he thinks Glennsanity is putting on histrionics and is lucid (I so agree with Steve on this), or if he's really having an episode here.

Either way, that's worth a new tag: Glennsanity!

You never see Olbermann setting people on fire.

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