Thursday, April 2, 2009

Half-Baked Alaska

This might actually be the funniest thing I've seen all week.
Here's the logical (read: nuts) conclusion to the fast-growing Poor-Ted-Stevens movement:

Via Think Progress, a press release from the Alaska GOP:

The Alaska Republican Party further believes that current Senator Mark Begich should resign his position to allow for a new, special election, so Alaskans may have the chance to vote for a Senator without the improper influence of the corrupt Department of Justice.

The only reason Mark Begich won the election in November is because a few thousand Alaskans thought that Senator Ted Stevens was guilty of seven felonies. Senator Stevens has maintained his innocence and now, even the Department of Justice acknowedges it's [sic] wrong doing.

Let's see what Begich's response is...

Late Update: Here's the full statement.

My full statement is as follows: Alaskan Republicans are clinically insane.

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