Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Last Call

So, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is, at best, hinting that the Lone Star State might possibly, you know, secede from the United States as John Amato reports.
All the insane talk coming from the Limbaugh National Convention is spreading into the fabric of the entire GOP. Listen to Texas Gov. Rick Perry say:

Perry: Texas is a unique place. When we came into the Union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that.

We got a great Union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that.

These republicans are talking treason in my mind. As soon as a Democratic president is inaugurated after conservatives led the charge and collapsed our economy, these freak show conservatives are now talking succession. OH, Lord---help us all.

And this is a Governor. The highest elected state official hinting at secession if the duly elected federal government doesn't do he wants.

Obama is not a legitimate President to these idiots. They will never accept him as their President. We have the Governor of a state talking publicly about dissolving the United States of America because Obama is President. They only tried to impeach Clinton. Obama's apparently driving these people so insane that we're talking about, what here? A Second Civil War? Honestly?

Doesn't Perry's public statements more or less count as sedition?

My lord. Republicans are *insane*. The thought of an African-American President is leading their possible Presidential hopefuls to openly speak of seceding from the Union. Bush's war crimes, plenary executive power, and near fascism elicited precisely nothing from this man. Three months of a black man in the White House and Texas should consider leaving the United States of America.

That is how much these people hate Obama. It is an irrational, mass delusion affecting millions of people. We live in dark, dark times.

Will anyone in Texas call for Perry's resignation? Will they even bother to call for him to retract, or even clarify his statement today?

Or should Perry put his state where his mouth is?


  1. Don't fall into the trap of thinking the right wing hysteria over Obama is racial. These guys hate Democrats-any Democrat. It is why they will hold up the election of Norm Coleman as long as they can even though it is clear that Coleman won. Any Democrat becomes the enemy who must be hated and opposed by any means possible short of violence (at least for now!).If Hillary had won the same crap would be happening. Ditto had John Kerry or Al Gore won. I shudder to think what the reaction would be if a legitimate progressive won the election who actually pursued progressive economic policies! I remember in the nineties talk on right wing radio of militia movements ala Timothy McVeigh "taking back the country". These guys are bonkers. What is different now is that they feel threatened in a way they did not in the nineties. They have had their ass handed to them in the last couple of elections and increasingly Americans under the age of 30 have tuned out the Republican party. They are on the verge of becoming dinosaurs unless they can find someone who can articulate the conservative message in a way that does not resemble a freak show. When people like this feel threatened they can be dangerous. What is amusing about their outrage over Obama and his alleged socialism is that while these clowns huff and puff the Obama administration is involved in a massive transfer of wealth to the financial elites who got us into this mess! If Alan Keyes was president these guys would have no problem. It is not the skin color it is the ideology. What makes their outrage even more ridiculous is that when someone actually presses these guys as to how they would deal with this mess left by the Bush administration their only response is privatization, more tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation! They will never change. Their populism is as phony as their new found defense of the Constitution. They only care about these issues when the opposition is in power. As I have argued in my own blog the best thing Obama can do since we have no legitimate opposition party right now is cut the effort at bi-partisanship and go over their heads to the American people. He will win the public relations battle just about every time.

  2. Oops! I meant to say Al Franken not Norm Coleman who won the Minnesota election!

  3. It's not racial itself (after all, they tried to impeach Clinton) but there are folks out there who are racist.

  4. And you're right, they hate any Democrat with a level of hatred bordering on the psychotic.
