Monday, May 11, 2009

Home, Home I'm Deranged

Latest Republican insanity: Barack Obama is destroying the economy on purpose to gain political power.
At the beginning of April, a Fox News poll asked respondents whether they believed that President Obama “wants the financial crisis to continue so government can take over more businesses and grow the federal government.” Only 23 percent said that they thought Obama wanted it to continue, but that minority view was recently endorsed by a top-ranking Republican official. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), the chairman of the NRCC, told the New York Times that he believes President Obama aims to “‘diminish employment and diminish stock prices‘ as part of a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy to consolidate power”:

His counterpart at the House Republicans’ committee, Representative Pete Sessions of Texas, may indeed face an uphill fight with his argument that Mr. Obama is not trying to create jobs. In an interview, Mr. Sessions cited rising unemployment in asserting that the administration intended to “diminish employment and diminish stock prices” as part of a “divide and conquer” strategy to consolidate power.

Mr. Sessions, in his seventh term, said Mr. Obama’s agenda was “intended to inflict damage and hardship on the free enterprise system, if not to kill it.” By next fall, he predicted, voters may regain appreciation for the era of Republican governance when “many dreams were achieved,” the size of the economy doubled and employment and financial markets hit record levels.

Remember, this is a sitting member of Congress saying this, not a "crackpot" or a talk radio loudmouth or a special interest group lobbyist or a think tank shill or a blogger.

This is an elected Congressional Representative who believes this and is saying this publicly.

The GOP is insane.

[UPDATE] Naturally, Rush Limbaugh is now all over this talking point. Expect it to be standard issue GOP garbage for the next several weeks.

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