Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Steele Standing

...or not.
Today at 1:00 p.m. ET, RNC chairman Michael Steele will be giving a major speech meant, in part, to reassure Republicans that he has control over the party. He is facing internal challenges from RNC members, including “a new set of checks and balances” on his power to “dole out money.” Today in an interview with Fox News, Steele suggested that if too much of his power is taken away, he may resign:

They can contemplate all they want to, but the reality is if they want a figurehead chairman you can have a figurehead chairman, but it won’t be Michael Steele.

As I said earlier today, that's a hollow threat Steele is making. The RNC clearly wants him gone. They don't want to follow his version of Howard Dean's 50 state strategy. They want to purify the party and expect the rest of America to follow them, because they believe that Democrats and the people that empower them are enemies of America, plain and simple.

Steele might as well go ahead and quit. He'll only be replaced by somebody far more rabid and far less intelligent (not that Steele is any kind of genius to begin with.) Please quit and then let the RNC vote in Rush Limbaugh.

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