Monday, May 18, 2009

The Republicans Still Run The Village proven once again today by Politico's John Feehery writing the future autopsy of Nancy Pelosi's political career.
With Pelosi, the press assumes she is both a hypocrite and a liar. Her various explanations of what she knew of waterboarding and when she knew it have been unconvincing at best. Her news conference was a complete disaster, and her credibility is in tatters.

Should Pelosi continue to mishandle this current crisis, and should she continue to make wild statements about the veracity of the CIA, don’t be surprised if somebody in the House says enough is enough. The conditions are ripe for a coup.
Of course, Feehery actually IS a former Republican staffer. Gotta love that Liberal Media, choosing to ask aloud how long Nancy Pelosi has left while Dick Cheney continues to have all the credibility in the world and gets away with torture and lying us into a war.

But the only thing that matters is NANCY IS A LIAR.

[UPDATE] Nice to see Greg Sargent catch FOX News in the admission of the truth.

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