Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Drudge Dredge

It's a good thing that Matt Drudge is warning the world about White House/network TV informercials. Why, this has certainly never been tried before by the last guy or his staff or anything to try to sell America on a major policy change by using the media!

[UPDATE] Steve Benen misses the point of the Drudge exercise once again.
I suspect the RNC and its allies are just trying to work the refs, hoping that by throwing a fit now, they can push Gibson and Sawyer to push more absurd questions during the program.

In the end, though, it seems like a rather strange thing for Republican activists to get worked up about.

Are you kidding me? A "strange thing" to get worked up over? Are you paying any attention, Steve? At all? Once again guys, the GOP Plan is in full effect. Health care reform cannot be allowed to pass in any way shape or form, or the GOP is done. Kaput. Dead. 50 million Americans get health insurance when they didn't have it before, Obama signs it into law, the Democrats get it through Congress, and you think those folks are going to vote Republican in 2010 and 2012?

The GOP Plan is Destroy Obama. Obama has banked all his political capital on Obamacare. Ergo, Obamacare has to be destroyed. Ergo, anything that the White House does to push Obamacare, like an hour long interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC, must also be destroyed.

Ergo Drudge is pushing this ridiculous crap. Drudge *is* the Village.

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