Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birther Of A Nation, Part 5

If Orly Taitz is Queen of the Birthers, then I've just found her a king. (via BooMan) It's everyone's favorite right wing crackpot/crook/general nogoodnik, G. Gordon Liddy!

"My argument is that this whole thing could be settled in a minute if the President would just produce a valid birth certificate. So far as I know, he has not. He's produced a quote "Certificate of Live Birth", you can't get a passport with that, you can't even register your son for Little League with that. That's the problem," he says.

Tweety then pulls out a copy. Gordo says "Well, I would like to check it out." He goes on to declare the President "an illegal alien born in Kenya." Tweety tries to talk him down with a decent stream of logic, that Obama's gone to school and college and gotten jobs where his papers of course would have been checked out, he's gotten a passport and driver's license and everything.

Gordo "wants to see their records." Tweety has access to them, Gordo says, and he doesn't, and he wants to check them out. Tweety goes on with that pesky logic stuff. "You claim he's in the country illegally and that he's not only not legally President, he's in the country illegally and he should be picked up. You claim he was born in the Kenyan slums, you say that as a fact."

Gordo grumbles "I said a hospital in Mumbasa, not Kenya."

The great thing about the Birther Game is whenever the Village drags a birther lunatic onto the stage to perform for America, if Obama doesn't come into the studio himself and produce a birth certificate, the Birthers win. If Obama does come into the studio and produce a birth certificate, it's clearly a fake. The Birthers win anyway. They can't lose as long as the Village keeps putting them on f'ckin television to say "THIS MAN IS OUR PRESIDENT ILLEGALLY. WON'T ANYONE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK KNOWUTIMEAN?"

And they go raving around decrying the President as an illegal alien Muslim sleeper cyborg Antichrist worse than Hitler Socialist Fascist (now with civil liberties destroying action), exposing millions to the crazy notion that our President is illegitimate and the fact the law won't do anything about it, and then the Village goes "Hmm, we should put these people on the air to discuss this theory. Clearly it is growing in popularity." Yeah, that won't backfire!

They can't lose. It's the perfect, self-perpetuating Village meme for the next 3 years and six months. They will be talking about Obama's birth certificate decades from now. It will become the second gunman on the grassy knoll, Vince Foster's death, the carburetor that gets 100 MPG and Jimmy Hoffa's grave all rolled into one, plus he's black!

I weep. All of us should. It's happening all over again and it will never stop unless we make it stop. The Village understands exactly what it is doing by giving these fruitcakes a forum and a voice. They love it. It's ratings gold!

That is as long as we refuse to turn off the TV permanently when they roll out the circus. Think it's time to consider a boycott if this keeps up.

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