Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

Atrios ponders Joe F'ckin Lieberman's response to this morning's story that undercover cops were able to sneak bomb parts into federal buildings and asks:
"Federal buildings" are office buildings where lots of people come and go every day. They aren't really obvious targets for terrorism, at least any more than numerous other places. There's a limit to how much security is reasonable and practical.

As for Joe Lieberman:
"It's stunning. It's shocking," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., the chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. "It just says that basically some people have forgotten the lessons of 9/11 ," he continued.

Which were what again?
That Democrats and ordinary citizens should be terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought and should give Republicans everything they ask for, otherwise why do you hate America so much?

I mean, isn't that what we've been conditioned to do over the last 8 years?


  1. Sounds like another good reason to bomb Iran.

  2. And of course, everything's a good reason to bomb Iran. Surely foreign fighters are coming across the border to sneak bomb parts into your state's local field office of the Department of Wildlife.

    Al Qaeda wins if moose permits are interrupted.
