Monday, August 17, 2009

Sister Sarah Uber Alles

It's like the Mickey Mouse club, only with snowmobiles and loyalty oaths (h/t Kevin K.)


We endorse, advocate, support, and promote Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Alaska and her causes and issues. We, as “Team Members” vow our Loyalty to Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Alaska, her Family, her Associates, her Allies, and whoever else she deems worthy. We vow that we will use our God given talents in a positive and inspirational manner befitting of a servant of the people of the United States of America, her Allies and of Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Alaska. We will act as if we are working for Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Alaska herself. We promise to use our talents, intellect, spirituality, emotion, words, and actions towards the betterment of our creator’s plan above all and towards the advancement of his creation Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Alaska.


Yeah, in all seriousness, this is creepy as hell. It's like that short-lived NBC series Kings or something, you expect to see her anointed by Jesus riding a moose. The Lord has a plan for Sarah Palin, you see. You would think God could find somebody, you know, slightly less batshit crazy.

Seriously, how many people are going to join Sarah's Facebook Army there?

1 comment:

  1. ... Jesus riding a moose.

    whew !!! you saw him too !!! i thought that i had gotten into some bad hooch. thanks for the affirm !!!
