Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Going Coup-Coup

John Aravosis at AmericaBlog has a damn good point on yesterday's article advocating a military coup against the President:
If the Democrats don't step up and shut this kind of talk down right now, I fear we are going to see violence in this country. And yes, it will be the Republicans' fault. But it will also be the fault of the Democratic party for watching the crazy talk grow, and not doing a thing to stand up to it. At some point, silence abets.
Let's see some response to the Obama Derangement Syndrome, guys. It's gone way the hell too far. And as Logan Murphy at C&L reminds us, it's not just fringish stuff like NewsMax and World Net Daily openly talking treason, it's guys like El Rushbo too.
This thread of commentary clearly is pushing toward a single thought -- to push people in the armed forces into seeing Obama as a usurper and traitor, just like the Honduran president, and toward the idea that a similar military-based removal of him from office might be justified.

Keep in mind that Limbaugh is only of only four pundits still broadcast daily on Armed Services Radio, so our men and women in uniform are getting fed this garbage on a daily basis. (And Wes Clark was right: It is well past time to take him off.)

Dismissing these guys as harmless cranks isn't an option anymore, guys. It's time to stand up here and say something. The Wingers have become so insane with hatred that being out of political power for less than a year already has some of them talking about a military coup against Obama.

This is deadly serious stuff here, guys. It's no longer a funny fantasy or a comic absurdity. It's borderline treason.

[UPDATE 8:55 AM] Even Rick Moran thinks this guy is insane. Mainly because this guy is insane.


  1. At this point, I wonder if civil war is inevitable. This derangement won't stop. The hate wing is too hopped up.

  2. And it looks like the article was pulled. Oh well, shame that nothing is ever truly gone on the Internet.

  3. Nope. Not a rug big enough for this one, man. These guys are borked in the head.

  4. I can't believe that as I read that story I couldn't even have the consolation of saying to myself "well at least this will be a big enough story that cable and newspapers will talk about how extreme the opposition has become". I'll be attempting to push my folks and friends in Texas out of the Republican party with this, but I just don't see America as a place where the prominent political crazy-conservative movements get called out anymore.
