Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heart Of Darkness

Paging Colonel Kurtz...Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, please pick up the white courtesy phone. The Wingnuts are calling. NewsMax.com's John L. Perry fantasizes darkly:
There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic.

America isn't the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn't mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it.
Wow, now isn't THAT a copout. Suuuuure you're not advocating treason. That's what an armed military coup taking over the leadership of America is, after all...but because this is a nutcase Winger fantasy, nobody gets hurt but the bad guys.
Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.

Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for "fundamental change" toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.

Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don't shrug and say, "We can always worry about that later."

In the 2008 election, that was the wistful, self-indulgent, indifferent reliance on abnegation of personal responsibility that has sunk the nation into this morass.

"You know, if we HAVE to have a magically bloodless coup where we take the military, relive the President of his power at gunpoint, and create an interim government, why I'm sure these military patriots will surrender that power back to the people in a just and peaceful manner."

Because world history is full of examples of that over the last 4,000 years. Jesus.

I really don't know what's more frightening, casually rattling off the inference that our military is packed full of officers and generals ready to execute a plan for high treason against the United States of America, or the completely moronic failure of this guy to understand even the most basic tenets of the history of military might over the last four millennia: Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.

But this is the discourse our neocons have, and Perry brilliantly represents the dichotomy that is Homo Wingnuttius: on one hand, he claims to have a inner knowledge of our military to the point where as an expert, he believes a coup is not only possible but necessary, and at the same time he demonstrates such a laughable lack of even a rudimentary grasp of military history that he and his "expertise" should be laughed out of the room by any sane and thinking individual. He perfectly encapsulates the neocon of the last decade: somebody who through his own claims demonstrates complete and total ignorance of the subject matter he claims to be opining on in capacity as an authority.

Better to ask a rock about high-energy particle physics. The rock at least has the sense to keep its mouth shut, putting it ahead of the Neocon.

And yet these people are taken seriously by the Village and terrify the Democrats.

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