Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Laying Into Grayson

Republicans are laying into Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson like he personally took a dump on Rush Limbaugh's studio chair or something. They're trying to Van Jones the guy out of Congress for his comments on the GOP health care plan (or complete lack of it). Grayson, for his part, refuses to back down, as HuffPo's Howie Klein reports.
GOP morning shill, Joe Scarborough, had reactionary sidekicks Pat Buchanan and Mika Brzezinski, comparing Grayson's well-reasoned and factual assault on Republican Party well-coordinated anti-working family obstructionism with the disgraceful outburst from secessionist lunatic Joe Wilson (R-SC). Some of the most extremist partisans among the obstructionist caucus took Grayson's criticism personally -- which makes sense. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), whose ProgressivePunch voting score since President Obama was elected is a big fat zero-- extreme even for the fringe Republicans -- demanded an apology. Patrick McHenry (R-NC), another goose-egg extremist-- with unanswered questions about a gay Republican triple homicide in Orlando involving one of his now dead "associates" -- was up early this morning tweeting away, demanding Speaker Pelosi call a vote to reprimand him.

If Grayson made one mistake, it was blaming only Republicans for the way Congress is treating American families in the health care debate. Sure, every single Republican is catering to the special interests who line their pockets and fill their campaign coffers. But perhaps Grayson should have found a way of mentioning that it isn't just 100% of Republicans -- who, by the way, have often said that the Democratic plans for reform will kill granny, etc. -- but that there are also a significant number of corrupt, bribe-besotted Democrats -- from Max Baucus and Blanche Lincoln to most of the Blue Dog caucus -- who also are trampling on the aspirations of working people in our country. Elijah Cummings stood up for Grayson to the vampiric Mika this morning. Georgia goofball Tom Price is introducing some kind of cockamamie resolution to condemn him.

Yeah, The Odious Patrick McHenry is even getting up off the GOP benches to attack the guy for telling the truth. And that resolution to condemn him? Going nowhere.

Tom Price, the Georgia congressman who chairs the conservative Republican Study Committee, announced Wednesday morning that he would introduce a resolution condemning Grayson for breaching House decorum.

But a few hours later, Price decided to hold his fire and give Grayson a chance to apologize to House Minority Leader John Boehner for his remarks.

"We thought that we would give Congressman Grayson an opportunity to do the right thing and recognize the comments that he made were disrespectful to the House and to the decorum," Price told CNN.

Price said Grayson, who hails from a conservative district in central Florida, "has maligned half, if not more than half, of his own constituents" who are Republican.

Asked if he will introduce the resolution if Grayson refuses to apologize, Price said "we'll certainly consider it."

He noted that House Democrats set a precedent for punishing bad behavior when they voted in favor of a resolution formally disapproving of Republican Joe Wilson for shouting "You lie!" at President Obama.

"That was the avenue that was defined by the Democrats in charge when someone breaches the decorum," Price said. "So we chose the same vehicle."

And now Republicans, in one fell swoop, are guilty of hypocrisy for all the yelling they did at Democrats. In their mind, this was as bad or worse than what Joe Wilson did to President Obama on national TV. It's hysterical, and it only makes them look like a bunch of petty crooks.

Please, keep Alan Grayson in the news as much as possible guys, so the Village keeps playing what he said yesterday over and over and over again...

It just might start to hit home, I'm thinking. Hey America, what have the Republicans done for you on health care?


  1. I pointed this out at HuffPo, but they wouldn't publish my comment. Joe didn't have anyone do anything today. He's been home recovering from surgery and hasn't been on Morning Joe since last Thursday morning.

  2. Fair enough, but Pat Buchanan isn't exactly an improvement.
