Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mean Jean The Birther Machine

Ohio GOP Rep. Jean Schmidt gets caught red handed admitting that she doesn't believe Obama is our legitimate President here in Cincy.
Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) spoke at the Voice of America tea party this Labor Day weekend outside of Cincinnati, OH. Following a tense Q&A session — during which, the congresswoman was booed for acknowledging that the Constitution is a living document — Schmidt engaged in a heated conversation with a birther off-stage. At the conclusion of their exchange, Schmidt whispered to the birther, “I agree with you, but the courts don’t.”
Completely busted:

The same woman said this earlier this year:
The President is indeed a Citizen of this country. I voted as a Member of the House to certify the vote of the Electoral College electing him as our President. I may not agree with his politics but there is no doubt he is our President and has my full respect as such.
She's clearly lying about something of course.

But the exchange captured here shows a far more disturbing trend: millions of Americans don't recognize Barack Obama as the President. The question is what will they do about it? What's the endgame here, as I've been saying? What does Rep. Schmidt plan to do about the fact that she apparently doesn't believe the Commander-In-Chief has any real legitimacy?

In short, put up or shut up. Let's get it out on the table, birthers.

[UPDATE 9:05 AM] Oliver Willis finds a Bitter Cling-On on the ass of society.

[UPDATE 11:22 AM] The Cincinnati Beacon is all over this story.

1 comment:

  1. Jean Schmidt is a harpy and a liar.

    That is all.
